21st February, 2022

GEM motors, together with its partners, successfully completed the OSCI-GEN project, based on funds obtained from the public tender for “Promotion of research and development projects” (TRL 3-6), which is partially financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Fund for Regional Development of the European Union. The purpose of the project was to explore an extremely interesting opportunity to exploit the already available energy source, which has not yet been used. After more than three years of research and development, GEM motors introduced innovative generators that convert oscillation and vibration energy of maritime vessels, road and railway traffic into electricity.

Solutions developed within the OSCI-GEN project by GEM motors and its project partners Etra d.o.o., Primum d.o.o., the Faculty of Energy Technology (University of Maribor) and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (University of Novo mesto) enable global potential of energy saving. The OSCI-GEN project will contribute to key objectives, including a new approach to increasing and using sustainable energy, improving and increasing the use of sustainable mobility, reducing emissions and improving air quality.

“By making use of free available energy, we obtained a free and environmentally friendly additional source of electricity, which could cover a part of energy needs of the transport vehicle itself. The project is ambitious, as we developed a new concept of electricity production and two conversion solutions for the Torus and Ekscenter generators. The energy of ship oscillation due to undulation and acceleration is in the current state of technology only a disruptive factor, without having any benefits. Our new solutions for both types of generators will use this very energy, thus setting a new paradigm in the use and exploitation of generators,” explains Simon Mandelj, PhD, CEO of GEM motors.

The Torus type generator is a new type of generator in which the magnetic ball or cylinder moves freely in a hollow torus with an electric winding. The Eccentric type generator is a prototype based on an eccentric mass rotating around the generator axis. This type of generator is simpler and suitable for smaller systems. The project evolved in two phases, in which both types of generators were developed in parallel. The first phase comprised the industrial research, aimed at developing analytical, numerical and conceptual solutions for the generator. The second phase consisted of the experimental development, the end result of which is a functional prototype for the relevant environment, with a maximum power of more than 800W and 90% efficiency at a rotating mass of 20 kg. The solution at the same time enables further development and an opportunity for the commercialization of low-power generators, especially for smaller vessels, such as fishing vessels, having sufficient wave power potential sailing the sea.